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Finding the Golden Orb in a New Chapter of Life

My move to Queenstown was proving to be the ultimate gateway to the adventure I was seeking. As a part of the hospitality course I was undertaking, we were required to complete 9 months of work experience in an internship position. I found this to be a wonderful boon of the college. Oftentimes, courses boast a great deal of lessons and content that they can 'teach' you, but fail to provide the necessary opportunities to let the field itself teach you with raw experience. But I saw it as far more than just a bit of work experience - it was a golden ticket for another epic adventure. I traded my ticket for 8 months of Hamilton Island, Australia.

Since moving to Queenstown 6 months prior, I already had a taste of what it was like to shift homes. So, one week before moving to Hamilton Island I started preparing myself for the the big move. I prepared all the necessary items, jamming my summer selection of clothes into my burgundy suitcase, and weaving bubble rap around my brand new keyboard like a spider. But this was only the beginning of my preparations - I knew that the true preparations happen within. If I was to make the most of the move, it was my attitudes and mindsets that I needed to curate.

When I arrived on Hamilton Island, an epic adventure awaited. I was prepared for whatever life wanted to throw at me, except those giant bird eating spiders of course. Thankfully, I didn't encounter any lurking beasts in the grass.

I descended into a new life as smooth as a sea-plane gliding onto a still lake, venturing forth into an experience that continued to evolve into exactly what I was seeking. And so it unlocked 2 big insights about moving home to start a new life, that I wanted to share with you here.

1. A Fresh Start, a Fresh Opportunity

I realised that moving home is a brand new start, and that this is actually a brilliant opportunity to set the mode for the entire experience. We can make an experience whatever we want based off our mindsets and attitudes we have when we approach the journey. If you want to cultivate a talent, you can set this intention. If you want to step out of the muddy bubble you've found yourself in and embrace a golden new direction in life, you can set this intention. And there is no mind games here - all you do is use the big move as a boost in the right direction.

We all want to live happier and more fulfilling lives, but many things are holding us back. Are you going to shift all these things to your new destination? If you did so, you might find yourself still stuck in the same old cycles, patterns and habits that continue to haunt you, just in a new environment. Is it a new chapter you are seeking? Or is it just another replay button?

You can view the first few weeks of a new move as like the opening sequence in a film - your opportunity to set the theme, the characters and the plot. It is a rich chance to consciously direct your energy, focus and attention towards establishing a powerful routine that is aligned with the person you want to become. Embellish this routine with the right habits that facilitate this change, and you will be making the daily effort of self actualisation, because you will be doing the things you know you need to be doing.

In my case, I wanted to take my personal development to the next level, by adopting powerful habits like reading, meditation, exercise, and deliberate practice. I committed to reading all of the books that I had specifically bought to facilitate the change I was seeking. I committed to a daily 20 minute meditation. And after 5 months, these practices were now built into my life like pillars in a colosseum helping to make the structure more sturdy.

So if you want to enter the upward spiral, you can use a new move as a thrust in the right direction. You are walking into an entirely new circumstance and lifestyle, so why not use this as an opportunity to evolve as a human being? I did and I am eternally grateful for my decision to implement such changes in my life.

2. Embrace the Epic Adventure

Moving home is an epic adventure. This is the truth, and it's just a case of whether you become aware of it or not. You are plunging into the big unknown, diving into the deep end of a pool you can't see the bottom of. You might have various ideas as to why you made this decision, but you might not see the full scope and significance of this, as the entire experience might continue to be re-contextualised as you evolve on your journey. You will think one thing now, but in 20 years, you might look back on the adventure and awaken to the true purpose of it, and the precise puzzle piece that it gifted you.

The secret is to find that puzzle piece. You can't expect to find it in the tired old beliefs about life that no longer serve you, because you have already found all the puzzle pieces there. If you want to find it, you must venture forth on your journey with radical open-mindedness and a childlike curiosity. You have to be dangerous and daring. Explore your surroundings, find your tribe, find your haven. All these things are waiting for you, and will give you clues that point in the direction of the puzzle piece. Before you know it, you will be unravelling the mystery of your life like Sherlock Holmes and exploring like Indiana Jones.

I adopted this kind of adventurous attitude towards my journey. And even though it was a chance to improve myself as I mentioned in the previous point, the real reason for my move to Hamilton Island had its roots extending into the underbelly of life itself. I journeyed through the wild Australian bush, skirting along turquoise waters and swimming with turtles, and in my explorations I was taken deep within myself to my childhood, which is where I found my puzzle piece - the golden orb.

I was lucky enough to realise just how significant moving home really is, and I wrote all this to share what I discovered about the matter, and how it plays into the bigger story of your life. Is it an adventure you are seeking? I hope it is! For then life becomes playful and fun. And even when things go wrong, at least it makes for a good story.

Moving home is the start of a brand new chapter. And you decide how the story unfolds.

(All photos taken by myself of Hamilton Island)


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