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Chapter 1: The Heroes Journey - An Introduction

Something deep within gently tugged at my soul, like a distant cry sailing in the wind. It was during my high school years that I become aware this. But I ignored it every single time, turning back to the video game that I played for my daily dose of fulfilment. Days became weeks and weeks became years, and the only thing I had to show for all this time was an sparkling clump of pixels on a screen. Through time, my distractions faded, leaving me unsatisfied and unhappy. Meanwhile, my core continued to knock, until one day I answered.

It was the call for something far beyond the reach of my imagination, like a stone being tossed from the other side of a fence. I didn't know what it was at the time, but I sensed that what I knew was but a speck of sand in a vast desert. I had a choice: I could stay where I was and continue to involve myself in these distractions that only left me unsatisfied. Or, I could endeavour on this quest, a leap of faith into the unknown.

And it's taken me to this very moment, bleeding words from my heart onto a page for the world to see. I'm naked and exposed, strapped under the scorching heat of judgement. But I am okay with this, for there is no other way. If I am to influence anybody at all, I must put aside my ego, and let my heart sing as it will.

I'm just another human being taking part in this adventure we call life. I've always seen it was one epic journey. You hear the quote "it's the not the destination, it's the journey" a lot, and when you consider the entirety of your life from birth until death, such a quote can make every moment enjoyable. This experience of life is so fleeting, we can't afford to stagnate in the mundane while the magic unfolds. We don't have time to be mired in the bullshit of drama and unhappiness, when we could be cultivating our talents in the quest to help others, unlocking the secrets of ancient sages, or actively appreciating and embodying the divine brilliance of reality.

It is fruitless to wait for the answers from scientists, academics and philosophers. We are just as powerful, as we are made of the same essence. We must commit to this journey inwards, to discover our own radiance, and shine like the billions of stars in the galaxy. Each and every one of us has a magnificent gift that we must share with the world. We must arise and become the heroes of our own destiny in order to unlock these hidden gems of our lives. Naturally, we will experience a flowering of our consciousness, a heightening of our awareness. As the veil is lifted, life becomes ever more beautiful, and ever more profound.

I am no master, I am just another student of life. I've only just ventured forth into my own Heroes Journey, and I am well aware of the gaping depth that awaits. I've been cultivating my writing, and will continue to do so, in order that I can share my own insights with upmost clarity and creativity. This blog will primarily be a journal of sorts, but also a place where I can discuss ideas that have helped me on my own journey. A handful of the main themes include the heroes journey, mastery, life purpose, spirituality, art, adventure, and much more.

I am no master. But I am on the heroes journey. And I hope I inspired you to be on the Heroes Journey, too.


  1. Josh that is fantastic. You are truly inspiring. Can't wait for more as your journey continues.


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