I seemed to be squeezing every drop of juice out of the day. I had risen at 6am, gone for a run, made a super healthy smoothy, done an hour long meditation, and finished my morning routine by 8 o’clock! My mind felt as sharp as a Samurai's blade as I proceeded with 4 straight hours of piano practice, and then another 4 hours of writing. I could feel my skills improving, my mind enhancing my… dream… fading. I could feel…what could I feel? The illusion, shattering? No .. It was blackness, returning. — — — The dimness of ‘the Pit’ never so much as suggested that morning had come. Our flat was in a sunken recess of the building, down 3 flights of slowly-rotting wooden stairs, just out of the suns reach. The gaping hole right outside our front door, dropping to the depths of the building - and sealed only by a chicken wire cage - wasn’t the only reason we had named our flat ‘The Pit’. In other places I have lived, the sunshine would often try to burst through the...